My Changing Views
My view toward this blog changes every time I think about it. Originally, I thought it would be a good alternative to Facebook humble brags and pontifications. I later thought it might be a good outlet for just sharing my thoughts with friends, but I have yet to tell anyone that I have this blog. I think that anyone reading this has no idea who I am, or they do, and they are too polite to tell me what they think.
Given that it costs me time and money, I can tell you that there are no tangible rewards. I keep a couple of journals, so blogging is not necessary for me to express my thoughts and feelings. In fact, the public nature of blogging requires the blogger to temper his or her honesty, sometimes jumping into downright lies. "I am a mess and I want the world to know" sounds pathetic; "I am wonderful, wise, and articulate" induces nausea.
For me, I think blogging is a form of catharsis. It's my chance to scream, lecture, etc., and because I am almost an anonymous blogger, it's like screaming alone in a car. There is the risk of someone reading it, but that person cannot comment. If they disagree, they can find my email address with a little investigation.
One thing needs to be mentioned. I often change my mind based on new evidence or personal growth. I realize that I did not come from a perfect culture that needs to be emulated by every other culture. I have a strong sense of right and wrong, but I have a strong sense of the nuance that pervades right and wrong. Abortion, immigration, race, fiscal responsibility, democracy, liberalism, and guns are topics where there are pro and con arguments that cannot be the only position one can take.
My views are just that: my views at this time based on what I think I know. My brain, with all its biases and prejudices, fills the gaps, and I reach a conclusion. My confidence in that conclusion can be high, low, or lukewarm. If you want to see my current view, go back a couple of days. Last year's view may be completely different.