Blogging Experiment
Despite the absence of a post for two months, my journaling has been remarkably consistent over that same period of time. Each day, I read a meditation from The Daily Stoic and The Daily Laws, then write 1 to 2 pages (handwritten) about my day before, my thoughts on the meditations, and whatever else pops in my head. It is very personal, and I am writing it out for me. Then again, there are thoughts that I could share on a blog if I took the time to edit and type those written observations.
Why do I want to do that and why don't I? I suppose I want to blog for a variety of good and bad reasons, but blogging does have narcissistic qualities, and I suppose that's why I don't. Facebook has such a "look at me" quality that it is nausea inducing. When a Facebook friend truly is sharing an experience, it's very endearing. I guess I want to share my thoughts and hope that a reader will say "that helped" or "that made me feel good." I do not want a reader to think "what a self-absorbed jerk." I try not to be, but I am human.
I would like to blog at least three times a week for a few months to see if, after reading my posts a few months from now, I want to scrap the idea of blogging, change my methods, or delete the worst posts.
Today is December 12, so March 15 will be the day I reflect on my posts. I should have about 40 posts by then – certainly a sufficient sample for a self-aware person to decide if he is self-absorbed, wise, or merely someone who should keep his thoughts to himself.