Frank Kollman was born in panama and raised in New Jersey. he has lived continuously in maryland since 1977. he practices law, studies technology, and dabbles in photography.

Moderation Please

Moderation Please

One of the four virtues of Stoicism is temperance (or moderation). Like other virtues, however, it has material exceptions caused by the insanity of the world. Barry Goldwater famously said: "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue." Justice, by the way, is one of the other three virtues. The two others are wisdom and courage.

I find both extremes on the left and right abhorrent. I will argue, however, that there are more extremists holding office in the Democratic Party than the Republican. Perhaps that's because the media is kinder to left-wing extremists than right-wing ones, so it is easier for left-wing nuts to get elected. Yes, there are exceptions.

Both parties give outsized power to their extremists, but Democrats put them in government positions while the Republicans just manipulate theirs with rhetoric and incitement. Yes, there are exceptions where it is the other way around. That is why I reject both parties as they get more and more tolerant and indulgent of their crazies.

We seem to be moving farther and farther from temperance in politics. I would like to praise those who condemn the extremists, but I find no one in the Democratic Party to praise comfortably. Manchin? Maybe. Everyone who publicly opposed Trump in the Republican Party was lauded, albeit temporarily, by the media, but where were the Democrats criticizing the Adam Schiffs and Jerry Nadlers who were conducting their own insurrections while in positions of power? Do we really think Maxine Waters is competent?

I find all politicians somewhat swarmy. It goes with the job, I guess. But are there no heroes left who fight for justice, moderation, or wisdom? Where is the courage to do the right thing? I listened to a podcast recently about Joe Rogan's issues. It made more sense than I expected in defending him. The podcaster noted that redemption is available on the left for murderers, but not anyone who had or fostered extreme right-wing views that they now repudiate. It makes one hate the left even more, although there is plenty of hate left for the right.

I remain moderate, but we may eventually need extremism to get it. Barry Goldwater was not completely off base. But who decides? We encourage oppressed people in other countries to overthrow their governments by whatever means possible. Is that what we were doing in the "defund the police" movement? Frightening. Thomas Jefferson said: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure." Is that true?

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