An American Insurrection? Chill Out National Geographic
I just got an email about yesterday's violent actions at the Capitol. National Geographic called it a "coup attempt," compared it with an assassination, and had a link to help you talk to your kids about the "chaos at the Capitol."
Disgusting and disgraceful, but a coup attempt? An insurrection? Give me a break. The assholes who stormed the Capitol were Trump supporters egged on by Trump, but they were not attempting a coup. They were just like the assholes who engaged in violence in our cities in the name of racial justice. To hear all the anti-Trump assholes talking about how holy they are in comparison to the asshole Trump makes me want to vomit. The Democrats and the Republicans created Trump, and the Democrats are equally responsible for the political divisiveness that continues. Democrats are quick to criticize crazies who come from the right wing, but praise the crazies from the left, who employ many of the same violent tactics we saw yesterday.
What happened to moderation? What happened to integrity? When did all rational talk and discussion go out the window? OK, blame Trump, but you have become just like him in your rhetoric and your behavior. You have become a monster yourself in your attempt to bring down the monster known as Trump. Shameful.