Single Issue Voting
Single issue voters, like voters who vote straight party tickets, astonish me. People have told me that they could not support a "pro-life" candidate, but it seems to me that, overall, a pro-life candidate could be clearly the better choice on every other issue. As to people who vote straight party tickets, are their values in such lock step with other party members that they do not need to think for themselves? I think it is reasonable to ask whether swing voters are the real critical thinkers, or are they people with no moral values who are merely the most susceptible to manipulation by campaign machinery.
This election is shaping into a single issue election, much to the benefit of the Biden-Harris ticket. If the choice were Trump or Not Trump, I would easily pick Not Trump. But that is not the choice I am being given. In fact, I could even argue that my choice in these days of identify politics is to vote for Trump or vote for people who hate this old white man, the beneficiary of white privilege. I have a difficult time sympathizing with folks who hate me.
While I intend to continue blogging about politics, I do understand that I am not changing minds. I so want to be a swing voter, but with so many folks digging in to support politicians merely because they are Democrats or Republicans, I have to ask myself "what's the point?"