Frank Kollman was born in panama and raised in New Jersey. he has lived continuously in maryland since 1977. he practices law, studies technology, and dabbles in photography.

This is Not for You

This is Not for You

One of these days, someone I know is going to stumble over this blog. Thankfully, I have not enabled comments. That does not mean I am not interested in what someone has to say; I just would rather discuss the topic instead of conducting a posting dual. I would love to know your thoughts, just not here.

This blog provide me an outlet. I am not fishing for "likes" or confirmatory comments, and the host is not selling my data. I can ignore Facebook and Twitter, and I can fantasize all I want about who is reading my post. If I hear something and wish to comment, I do, and a person who disagrees can pay Squarespace for his or her own blog.

Before I gave up social media as a comment platform, I would visit sites constantly to see likes, loves, and comments. I rarely posted anything inflammatory to avoid negative comments, which meant I could not be brutally honest much of the time. Plus, I am not a troll, and posting something just to piss people off is reprehensible. You know who you are, Oscar.

I also want to be nice when I post. A positive post can be boring, but I don't care. If no one reads this crap, my life will be a little changed.

This blog is for me, and if you enjoy reading a post or two, great. If it bothers you, go to Facebook. We all have to do what works for us.

Random Thoughts the Day Before Thanksgiving

Random Thoughts the Day Before Thanksgiving

Truth is a Wonderful Thing

Truth is a Wonderful Thing